Supplementary Planning Documents SPD's & Other Guidance

Learn more about our supplementary planning documents

The Cumbria Good Lighting Technical Advice Note

The Cumbria Good Lighting Technical Advice Note or TAN provides technical lighting guidance to planners and planning applicants, and is also designed to help any individual, organisation or community installing new or replacing existing lighting to make good lighting choices.

The TAN provides the most up to date best practice lighting guidance and will be used as a material consideration in informing the determination of planning applications, prior approval notifications applications or other consents within Westmorland and Furness Local Planning Authority area as applicable.

The Cumbria Good Lighting Technical Advice Note

Adoption of Affordable Housing and Developer Contributions SPD

The Affordable Housing and Developer Contributions SPD was adopted by the Council on 19th July 2022. The SPD along with the Adoption Statement and Consultation Statement can be found below.

The SPD sets out the Council’s approach to the delivery of affordable housing and to seeking financial contributions from developers for a variety of infrastructure and services.

Affordable Housing and Developer Contributions SPD (July 2022)

Adoption Statement

Consultation Statement

Adoption of Biodiversity & Development SPD

The Biodiversity & Development SPD was adopted by the Council on 25th May 2018. The adoption statement and consultation responses can be found below.

The Biodiversity and Development SPD contains advice for developers when drawing up proposals to ensure that new development in the Borough enhances rather than harms habitats and species.

Biodiversity and Development SPD

Biodiversity SPD Adoption Statement

Table of Responses to Consultation

Green Infrastructure Strategy SPD

Barrow Borough Council consulted on the content of the Green Infrastructure SPD in March/April 2018, in line with Regulation 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (2).

The Council is working on the SPD in response to comments received. The Draft SPD can be viewed below until the final version is prepared.

The Green Infrastructure Strategy SPD contains guidance for developers to help them incorporate green infrastructure into their developments.

Green Infrastructure Strategy SPD

Shop Front & Advertisement Design SPD

The Shop Front & Advertisement Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted on 29 November 2010, it supplements the policies of the saved Barrow-in-Furness Local Plan (Barrow-in-Furness Local Plan Review 1996-2006), and the Barrow Port Area Action Plan Development Plan Document .

The SPD sets out detailed planning and design guidelines for the external alteration of commercial buildings, primarily shops and offices. The SPD forms part of the Council's efforts to protect and enhance the Borough's town centre.

Shop Front & Advertisement Design SPD

Cumbria Development Design Guide

Cumbria County Council adopted its Cumbria Development Design Guide in November 2017. The purpose of the guide is to provide advice and guidance on the design of successful residential and commercial developments in Cumbria.

The guide can be accessed here.

Habitat Regulations Assessment Guide

This guidance leaflet is not an adopted SPD but has been produced to guide developers when drawing up proposals which may impact upon Natura 2000 Sites inside and outside the Borough. It explains what Natura 2000 Sites are and the Habitats Regulations Assessment process.

Habitats Regulations Assessment Guide