2023 Parliamentary Boundary Review

The 2023 Boundary Review Revised Propsals for new Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries The Boundary Commission for England has today published its revised proposals for new constituency…

The 2023 Boundary Review

Revised Propsals for new Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries

The Boundary Commission for England has today published its revised proposals for new constituency boundaries. The proposals and maps for the nine English regions have been published on the website today at https://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/ The four week public consultation period has commenced. This will be the final chance for the public to give the Commission their views on the proposals.

For the 2023 Review, the Commission is promoting use of a specifically-designed consultation website as the primary tool for displaying our proposals, and receiving comments on them. This is available at https://www.bcreviews.org.uk

We have also published a Partner Pack, which I hope you fund useful in publicising the 2023 Review.


If you have any queries, please contact my team on 020 7276 1102, or information@boundarycommissionengland.gov.uk

Tim Bowden - Secretary to the Commission
8th November 2022

Public Hearings during Second Consultation Phase

Following the Boundary Commission's announcement in December of the locations and dates for the public hearings during the second consultation phase of the current review of constituencies, a booking system is now open, with details of the specific venue for each location where hearings will be taking place.

Those wishing to make an oral representation at a public hearing are strongly encouraged to book a timed slot in advance. To book, visit the dedicated public hearings page on the Boundary Commission's website and click on your chosen hearing. You will then be invited to register via the booking platform Eventbrite. A step by step guide for booking via Eventbrite is published on the public hearings webpage. The only speaking slots automatically reserved are on the morning of the first day of the first hearing in each region, for the centrally-designated official spokesperson of each of the qualifying political parties (in England, Conservative, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrat) to present each party's views on our proposals across the whole of that region.

While Covid remains a concern, the plan is to take proportionate steps - in line with official guidance - to minimise the risk of transmission, while still allowing these statutory 'in person' hearings to take place. You can find further details in the Boundary Commission's published Guide to the public hearings, which should also answer most other questions you may have. Should you not wish or be able to attend a hearing in person, however, please be assured that in our subsequent analysis of views, to consider whether and to what extent to revise our proposals, we treat oral and written representations with equal weight.

The Boundary Commission currently propose to publish the representations received during the first consultation period on their website at www.bcereviews.org.uk on 7 February. Please note, however, this is to allow people a good opportunity to read and consider their views on these representations before the consultation on them starts on 22 February: because the length of the consultation period is fixed by law, the Boundary Commission will not be able to accept or consider any comments received prior to this latter date.

The 2023 Boundary Review – Initial Proposals for new Parliamentary Constituency Boundaries

The Boundary Commission for England has today published its initial proposals for new constituency boundaries. The proposals and maps for the nine English regions have been published on the website today. The eight-week public consultation period has commenced. This will be the first time the public will get a chance to see what their new constituencies might look like, and give the Commission their views on the proposals.

For the 2023 Review, the Commission is promoting use of a specifically-designed consultation website as the primary tool for displaying our proposals, and receiving comments on them. This is available at www.bcereviews.org.uk.

A Partner Pack, has also been published.

If you have any queries please contact the Boundary Commission on 020 7276 1102, or e-mail information@boundarycommissionengland.gov.uk