As part of Hate Crime Awareness Week, Barrow Borough Council, on behalf of the South Cumbria Community Safety Partnership (SCCP) are launching a Hate Amnesty. We want people to share their experience of hate with us so we can ensure that the depth and impact of such behaviour is fully understood and all partners work to eradicate hate from our communities.
Any crime or incident which you believe is happening because of race, ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability is a hate crime. You could also be a victim of hate crime if you believe you are being targeted because the offender perceives you to be different in some way.
It could be a crime or incident such as:
- Physical abuse
- Intimidation
- Vandalism
- Verbal abuse/ name calling
- Graffiti
- Harassment
- Cyber-bullying
Any experience of hate crime may leave you feeling angry, alone, stressed, depressed or frightened. You don't have to deal with this on your own, there are lots of services to support you whenever you need help.
Mandatory field
To report a hate crime...
...please use one of the following options:
Call Cumbria Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency of if a crime is in progress
On line:
In person: Visit a police station or police desk or approach an officer on patrol
Textphone: 18000 – the 101 number for people who are deaf or hearing of speech impaired
Via a reporting centre – find your nearest centre here
If you’re not confident with reporting to the Police, please use one of the following links:
True vision -
Victim Support -