
T he Gambling Act 2005 replaced most of the existing gambling laws in Great Britain and put in place an improved, more comprehensive structure of gambling regulation covering practically all forms…

The Gambling Act 2005 replaced most of the existing gambling laws in Great Britain and put in place an improved, more comprehensive structure of gambling regulation covering practically all forms of gambling except the national lottery and spread betting.

The Act created a new independent unified regulator, The Gambling Commission and a new licensing regime operated by the commission and the licensing authorities (local authorities).

Statement of Gambling Policy 2024 to 2027

The Gambling Act 2005 requires that the Council, acting as the Licensing Authority to prepare, consult on and publish a Statement of Gambling Policy every three years, setting out how the Authority will manage the licensing of local gambling premises.

This is Westmorland and Furness Council’s first Statement of Gambling Policy which was approved by Council on the 22nd February 2024, for the period 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2027

A copy of the policy can be downloaded here: Statement of Gambling Policy 2024 - 2027.

Licensing Objectives

The Act contains three licensing objectives which underpin the functions that the Commission and licensing authorities will perform. These are:

  • Preventing gambling from being a source of crime and disorder being associated with crime and disorder, or being used the support crime;
  • Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way; and
  • Protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling.

The Commission and the licensing authorities can only have regard to these objectives when carrying out their functions under the Act.

Types of Licences

The Act creates three levels of licensing.

Operating Licences

Individuals and companies who intend to provide facilities for certain types of gambling must obtain an operating licence from the gambling commission.

Personal Licences

One of the mandatory conditions placed on operating licences will require at least one person to hold a personal licence, which will be obtained from the Commission. This will usually be held by a person in a management position but will not apply to small-scale operators.

Premises licences

These are issued by licensing authorities such as Barrow Borough Council and will authorise the provisions of facilities for gambling on:-

  • Casino premises
  • Bingo premises, betting premises, including tracks
  • Adult gaming centres
  • Family entertainment centres.

Licensing Authority Functions

The Licensing Authorities main functions are:

  • Responsibility for the licensing of premises where gambling activities take place by the issue of premises licences
  • Issue of Provisional Statements (for premises not yet built)
  • Regulation of members clubs and miners welfare institutions who may wish to undertake certain gaming activities via the issue of Club Gaming Permits and/or Club Machine Permits
  • Issue of Club Machine Permits to Commercial Clubs
  • Granting of permits for the use of certain lower stake gaming machines at unlicensed Family Entertainment Centres
  • Receiving notifications from alcohol licensed premises (under the Licensing Act 2003) for the use of not more than two gaming machines
  • Granting of Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permits for premises licensed to sell/supply alcohol for consumption on the premises where more than two machines are requested
  • Registering small society lotteries
  • Issuing Prize Gaming Permits
  • Receiving and endorsing Temporary Use notices
  • Receiving Occasional Use notices
  • Providing information to the Gambling Commission regarding details of licences issued
  • Maintaining registers of the permits and licences that are issued under these functions

Contact details:


Public Health and Public Protection,

Westmorland and Furness Council,

Town Hall,

Duke Street,


Cumbria LA14 2LD

Tel: 01229 876543
