Appointment of Independent Person – Barrow Borough Council
Barrow Borough Council is looking to appoint an Independent Person and substitute Independent Person.
Their role will be to assist the Council in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct amongst its elected councillors and members of the borough’s town and parish councils.
Among the skills required are a keen interest in standards in public life, a wish to serve the local community, the ability to be objective, independent and impartial with sound decision making skills.
This is a voluntary position but the council will pay reasonable travelling and subsistence incurred in the role.
The closing date for applications is noon, Monday, 11 January 2021.
For a full job description, personal specification and application form, please click here.
For further information, please e-mail, call 07825206525 or write to:
Democratic Services
Barrow Borough Council
Town Hall,
Duke Street,
LA14 2LD