New video aims to help residents recycle right for BarrowWith the borough on the way to a carbon neutral future, a video has been launched to help residents do even more to recycle right for Barrow. 23 August 2022Consultation launched on recommendations to create a town council for BarrowA second consultation will take place between Monday, July 25 and Friday, August 26 - with people able to comment on the recommendations made as part of the review. 23 August 2022Preparation works for major town centre regeneration scheme to get underwayThe work will see a vacant unit to the rear of Barrow Market Hall removed to make way for a £17.5 million scheme to transform the market and its exterior. 21 July 2022Scheme to tackle fuel poverty and create warm, sustainable homes opensA consortium of district councils across Cumbria has received £19.95 million in Government funding to help make a difference to thousands of householders in the county. 23 August 2022#BrilliantBarrow website relaunched as programme enters exciting delivery stageA NEW look website has been launched for the inspirational #BrilliantBarrow programme as its seven projects move forward through the crucial delivery phase. 23 August 2022Energy Rebate PaymentsThe Council has started processing the £150 Energy Rebate payments 30 June 2022Join the Platinum Jubilee celebrations with a special community street partyTaking place in Barrow Town Square, between The Forum and Barrow Town Hall, there will be entertainment throughout the day for people of all ages to enjoy. 25 May 2022Disability advocate awarded Honorary Freewoman of the Borough titleA Barrow resident who has dedicated decades to charity work and helping local people overcome obstacles has been recognised by Barrow Borough Council with its highest honour. 19 May 2022£120,000 National Lottery Heritage Fund boost for Barrow'Barrow's Heritage - Micro to Mighty' programme to support local groups 18 May 2022Covid-secure measures in place for local electionsThe new Westmorland and Furness Council will take over responsibility for all services in the current Barrow Borough, Eden District and South Lakeland District council areas from April 2023. 05 August 2022Know how many votes you have in the local electionVoters will be able to select more than one candidate on the ballot paper in the forthcoming Westmorland and Furness Council election. 05 August 2022High volume of calls to Revenues & Benefits TeamThe Revenues & Benefits Team is currently experiencing a high volume of calls. 19 April 2022Voters urged to register to have their say in MayOn Thursday 5 May people in the Barrow, Eden and South Lakeland areas will have their say on who represents them on the new Westmorland and Furness Council. 24 March 2022Members of the public invited to Barrow and Furness Citizens' Jury eventThe jury made recommendations on how people, businesses and organisations across Barrow and Furness can take action to tackle climate change. 21 March 2022Council Tax energy rebateThe Government has announced a package of support to help households with rising energy bills. 31 May 2022Jackie Weaver set to make guest appearance at Barrow Community Governance Review launch eventA CELEBRITY of Local Government is set to highlight opportunities linked to the possible creation of a town council for the unparished area of Barrow at a special online event next week. 25 February 2022Page: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [+11]
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