The Council was allocated £1.9 million Additional Restrictions Grant funding to distribute to businesses from December 2020 to the end of March 2021. The total paid during that time was £1,960,445; and as a result the Council received a top up allocation of a much smaller amount in June 2021. This top up funding was not sufficient to reopen to new applications so the Executive Committee resolved to make an automatic top-up payment to the eligible businesses from December 2020 to March 2021, please see link to the website
The Additional Restrictions Grant funding has been fully spent and the scheme is closed.
We recognise people may be facing financial difficulties as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak.
The government has announced financial support for businesses with employees as well as for the self-employed.
Everyone who is able to continue to pay should do so, as council tax helps fund many of the services currently in demand such as health and social care.
However, if you are struggling to pay, then please contact us by calling 01229 404242 to speak to one of our customer service advisors.
We know this is a stressful time. Please bear with us as our teams do all they can to support residents and businesses.
Ways we can help
We can reduce your monthly payment by spreading the cost over 12 months, instead of ten.
You may also be entitled to help under the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.