The future of Barrow's Town Centre

IDEAS on how Barrow's town centre could be transformed for the future are being sought as part of a new consultation launched this week. Residents and those who work within businesses across the…

IDEAS on how Barrow's town centre could be transformed for the future are being sought as part of a new consultation launched this week.

Residents and those who work within businesses across the borough are invited to take part - by putting forward their vision for a reinvented town centre.

The views will then be used to spark an ongoing conversation about the future of the high street as Barrow Borough Council puts together bids to attract vital government funding.

Councillor Ann Thomson, Barrow Borough Council leader, urged as many people as possible to take part.

"There is a lot happening in Barrow at the moment as we look to ensure the town centre has a healthy and thriving future.

"It's really important that the people who live and work here are part of this emerging and exciting conversation by sharing their ideas and telling us what is important to them.

"We want to make sure Barrow is in a strong position as we bid for vital funding from the government to transform our ideas into reality, making our town an attractive place to live and work.

“Making sure we have the backing of the community as we move towards this vision is crucial, which is why we want to hear as many views and ideas as possible over the next three weeks."

The consultation, launched today (Monday, January 13), invites people to have their say on the future of the town centre using an online form accessed via Barrow Borough Council’s website.

Alternatively, a drop in session will be held at the Portland Walk entrance to Barrow Market on Saturday, January 18 where experts will be on hand to chat to residents and visitors.

High streets across the UK are changing as shopping habits alter and more people look to make purchases online.

Barrow has been selected as one of 100 towns in the running to receive a share of the £3.6billion Towns Fund initiative set up to help communities reinvigorate their towns and transform prospects for economic growth. It also has the opportunity to bid for funding available through the Future High Street Fund as well as the Heritage Action Zone.

Making sure the high street is fit for the future - and building a shared community vision - will form the key part of a bid to secure this cash.

This stage of the consultation ends on January 31, but there will be further opportunities for residents and businesses to get involved over the coming months as ideas are firmed up.

Cllr Thomson added: “Barrow is a town with a proud economic heritage. But it’s town centre does face challenges, like other towns nationwide.

“Now, we want to know what people think about the re-shaping of the town centre so that we are in the best position to take advantage of any funding available and the opportunities this will bring in the future.”

Information on how to take part in the public consultation can be found at

The drop in session will be held between 11am and 3pm on Saturday, January 18 at the Portland Walk entrance to Barrow Market.