Who decides my planning application
Central government is encouraging Planning Authorities to speed up the time taken for determining planning applications and related decisions, and one method of achieving this is by delegating applications to the senior planning officer. This is recognised as “best practice” by government, and the council has an established protocol for regulating delegated decisions.
Delegated items are usually proposals that raise no adverse issues, or accord with policy, or generate no planning objections. The majority of domestic works and small scale commercial projects are dealt with in this way. Occasionally applications will be determined in consultation with the Planning Panel, a small group of Members who will verify the proposed decision based upon a short report from the case officer.
In the following circumstances the application will be placed on the committee agenda. The case officer prepares a report, including a recommended decision and any conditions where appropriate, and this is verified by senior staff. The report will include all the comments received from objectors and consultees.
The planning application gives rise to planning objections from any statutory consultee or interested party;
- The planning application has been submitted by or on behalf of an elected member or an officer of the Council;
- The planning application includes the use of Council owned land or buildings;
- The applicant is required to enter into a legal agreement;
- A written request has been made by a Member of the Council for the application to be determined by Planning Committee which explains the planning or probity reasons for this call in.
- The recommended decision is contrary to an established policy.
On very rare occasions, the Council will have to send applications to the Secretary of State for determination. These include works to listed buildings in Council ownership and major applications of a greater than local significance that are subject to a “Call In” procedure.