Renting a Council Garage
Are you looking for somewhere to park your car or motorbike? We have a selection of garages vacant and available to rent throughout the Borough.

Who can apply?
You do not have to be a Council tenant to rent a garage, but Council tenants will be given priority.
How much does it cost?
The amount you will pay will depend on where the garage is located or if you are a Council tenant or not. Garage rents for 2024/25 - based on the garage location - are:
- £11.67 per week for Council tenants. For non-Council tenants, or if you rent more than one garage, VAT will be included at £2.33 per week = £14.00.
- £8.48 per week for Council tenants. For non-Council tenants, or if you rent more than one garage, VAT will be included at £1.70 per week =£10.18.
PLEASE NOTE: The offer of a garage tenancy is based on condition that the weekly charge is paid by Direct Debit.
How do I apply?
To apply for a garage you first have to register on the Choice-Based Lettings Scheme and complete an online application form - register now. Once registered you will be sent a unique registration number which will enable you to log on and view garages and properties available.
Alternatively, download and print a Garage Application Form or request an application form from us on (01229) 876403 or email:
Once completed the form should be returned to the Housing Department, Town Hall, Duke Street, Barrow LA14 2LD.
For Further Information
If you have any queries about renting a Council garage, please contact us on (01229) 876403 or email