Cumbria Choice - Choice-Based Lettings Scheme
The Housing Service is part of the Cumbria Choice, Choice-Based Lettings Scheme. Cumbria Choice is where all the main social housing providers in Cumbria advertise their vacant properties.
To apply for properties you first have to register with the Cumbria Choice Scheme and complete an online application form - register now. Once registered, you can log in to your account and complete a Social Housing application. From here you will be able to get information on how the scheme works and view Frequently Asked Questions.
Once you have registered with the Cumbria Choice scheme and completed a social Housing Application, you will be able to view adverts giving details of all our vacant properties (as well as other vacant properties in Cumbria).
Alternatively, you can request help to make an application from our office: tel. (01229) 876554 or 876468 or email: cbl1@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
Improvements to Cumbria Choice
Following customer consultation, some key changes have been made to Cumbria Choice and the allocations systems. These include a new-look, user-friendly website and a shorter, easier to complete application form and the introduction of just three simple bandings.
The lettings cycle for the Council is now different to the lettings cycle of other housing providers. To view properties of other housing providers in Cumbria you will need to check the Cumbria Choice website.
What are the chances of getting a property in my preferred area in this Borough?
Our leaflet, Housing Matters for Prospective Tenants, contains a table which gives a breakdown of the number of properties in every area of the Borough, together with the number of properties that actually became vacant for letting during the previous year. Although these figures are for the previous year, the location and frequency of vacancies is similar from year to year. This information will help you understand the likely number of properties that will come available in your areas of choice.
Further information:
Have you any concerns or questions?
If you have any queries relating to your housing application please call: (01229) 876554 or 876468.
You can also email any queries to: cbl1@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
Alternatively, if you are already registered on Cumbria Choice you can send us a message by:
- Logging in to your account as you would to bid
- Selecting ‘My Messages’ (top right of screen)
- Scrolling down and select ‘Click here to contact us’
- Type message in the box
- Click ‘Submit’
You can also view a wide range of frequently asked questions and answers on the Cumbria Choice website: frequently asked questions
Equality & Diversity
We believe everyone should be treated fairly and with respect. Your application for housing will not be treated any differently because of your gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status or any disabilities you may have. Click here for more information on our Commitment to Equality & Diversity including the Council's Single Equality Scheme.
Other housing-related information
The Real Cost of Running a Home
There are lots of other costs besides rent which have to be budgeted for in running a home. Our Real Cost of Running a Home leaflet gives an idea of the costs involved in running a home.
It also gives details of support available from the Housing Service to help tenants manage their tenancy.
Registered Social Landlords (Housing Associations)
Within the Borough there are a number of registered social landlords. Below are details of the type of accommodation they provide and their web site addresses for further details.
Accent provide a range of accommodation from flats for single people, sheltered accommodation for older people and families. They also provide accommodation for single homeless people. Web site address www.accentgroup.org/.
Anchor Housing Association provide accommodation for older people in Barrow and Dalton. Web site address www.anchor.org.uk/.
Looking for Private Rented Accommodation but can't afford a deposit?
Westmorland and Furness Council no longer offers a deposit guarantee scheme (DIGS) in its current format. We are reviewing our funding schemes and may offer something similar in the future however in the short term we may offer a cash deposit to a person who is threatened with or actually homeless and fits the relevant criteria. Any deposit paid would need to be registered in a government rent deposit scheme in the Council’s name and all deposits should be returned to the Council at the end of the tenancy.
Please contact a member of the Homelessness Team on 01229 876599 for further clarification or for more information if required.
For details of private landlords in the area please read our Private Landlords' Directory.
Other housing-related contacts
Please see below a list of organisations that may be able to provide useful information regarding your housing situation.
Citizens' Advice - Ramsden Hall, Abbey Road, Barrow (freephone) 0808 2787 817
Inspira - 237 Dalton Road, Barrow (01229) 824052
Project John - (01229) 832127
Housing Benefit/Universal Credit (Council's Revenues & Benefits Team) - (01229) 404242