Different types of tenancy
As a Council tenant you will have received a copy of your Tenancy Agreement - Tenancy Agreement.
Introductory Tenancy
We use an introductory tenancy scheme. This means that all new tenancies granted are introductory, unless transferring from a secure tenancy.
As an introductory tenant you will not obtain security of tenure until you have completed a trial period of one year, providing no action has been taken to end the tenancy.
For more information on rights and responsibilities of an introductory tenant, please read our Guide to Introductory Tenancies (PDF , 119KB).
Secure Tenancy
If there are no problems during the 12-month trial period, the introductory tenancy will automatically become a secure tenancy.
As a secure council tenant you have important rights and responsibilities which include:
Your rights (* Only applicable to secure tenants)
- You can live in your home for the rest of your life as long as you do what your tenancy agreement says.
- *In most cases you can buy your home at a discount.
- You can pass on your home to someone in your family living with you when you die.
- *You can take in lodgers.
- *You can sub-let part of your home. (You must ask for permission first)
- You can get certain urgent repairs done quickly and at no cost to you.
- *You can carry out improvements to your home. (You must ask for permission first)
- You can be paid for certain improvements you have made if you move home.
- You can help to manage your estate.
- *You can exchange your property for another one.
- You must be consulted on housing management matters.
- You must be given information about how the Council runs the homes it owns.
Your responsibilities
- You must keep to the rules of your Tenancy Agreement.
- You must pay your rent.
- You must be a good neighbour and not annoy others in your area.
If you need any further information regarding your Tenancy Agreement, please call us on (01229) 876578 or email: housing@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk