In recent times, it has become very popular to light up national and local monuments, helping to raise awareness and support many good causes. Barrow Borough Council have recently invested in lights that are able to light up Barrow Town Hall and LED lights inside the Town Hall Clock face that can change colour. These lights combined, are used to “light up the night” and make Barrow Town Hall a beacon for the local community.
- National holidays, eg: Christmas and Halloween
- To supplement the Town Halls flying of the flag, eg: Royal birthdays and remembrance days
- Awareness days, charity events and festivals eg: World Parkinson’s Awareness Day
If you have an awareness day that you would like to “shine a light on” and help to raise awareness of, please send your request to:
01229 876497
Please include with your request:
- Event Day / Title
- Date of event
- Colour scheme required
- Contact information
- Charity / awareness day links for web and social media
- Basic information about the event, charity or awareness day
Terms & Conditions
Please note:
- The lights can only light up the Duke Street, pedestrianised elevation of the town hall.
- Your request is not a guarantee that we can light up the town hall on that specific time or date.
- The lights are limited, so not all colours or patterns are available. An alternative may be necessary.
- The lights can only be seen from dusk, so during the summer months, this could be quite late in the evening.
- The requests can only be for charity or awareness days, not for personal celebrations or events.