Possible planning enforcement actions and reasons why action might be taken
Barrow Borough Council may decide to take enforcement action for the following reasons:
- you have started or completed a development without permission
- the development does not meet with planning conditions
Possible enforcement actions include:
- asking you to apply retrospectively
- issuing enforcement notices
- issuing stop notices
- issuing County or High Court injunctions.
If land or buildings have been in use for a certain period of time without planning permission then a certificate of lawfulness may be applied for meaning the land or building becomes immune from enforcement action.
Planning Complaints
If you are concerned about an issue which you believe is a breach of planning control and would like to make a complaint regarding a planning issue you can do so in various ways
- fill in our online Planning Complaint Form
- print, complete and return the enforcement form to consultplanning@barrowbc.gov.uk or post to Development Management, Barrow Town Hall, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria LA14 2LD.
Anonymous complaints are difficult to investigate and we may not be able to fully investigate the complaint as we cannot gain extra information if it is required. As we keep all information confidential we would encourage people not to make an anonymous complaint.
The following are some examples (but not conclusive) of breaches of planning control:
- Changes of use e.g a house to a shop
- Work not in accordance with approved plan
- Not complying with conditions of a planning permission
- Erection of some buildings without planning permission.
- Some alterations in Conservation Areas
- Changes to Listed Building and their settings
- Works carried out on protected trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders
Any complaints received with regards to breaches of planning control will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. Your personal details will not be revealed to the person or organisation about whom the complaint has been made.