Neighbourhood Plans
What is Neighbourhood Planning?
Neighbourhood planning enables interested local communities to help shape and promote development in their area. It is a community-led process but can receive support from the council.
Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act and amends the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Further guidance is provided by the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations and the Neighbourhood Planning (Referendum) Regulations.
People can have a say on new developments in their area by working together to prepare:
- Neighbourhood Plans
- Neighbourhood Development Orders
If your community is thinking about preparing a neighbourhood plan we encourage interested groups to meet and begin discussions with the Planning Policy Team well in advance of submitting an application. This initial meeting will enable the Council to provide advice and guidance on the way forward which will help to ensure that the Neighbourhood Area and Forum can be designated without delays.
Please contact to arrange a meeting.
Preparing a Neighbourhood Plan
The Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Planning Protocol to assist those preparing Neighbourhood Plans, along with guidance for completing an application form.
- Neighbourhood Planning Protocol (Nov 2017)
- Area Application for Designation of a Neighbourhood Area (PDF, 197KB)
- Neighbourhood Planning Guide
Neighbourhood Plans in the Barrow Borough
Relevant documents for Neighbourhood Plans in the Barrow Borough will be added here when available.
Other Neighbourhood Planning Guidance
The Campaign to Protect Rural England and the National Association of Local Councils have produced a guide called How to shape where you live: a guide to neighbourhood planning.
Government guidance includes a guide to neighbourhood planning and the Neighbourhood Planning section of the National Planning Policy Guidance.
Cumbria Association of Local Councils and Action with Communities in Cumbria have produced a Local Guide to Neighbourhood Planning.
Further information:
- Neighbourhood Plan Roadmap Guide
- Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiner Referral Services (NPIERS)
Parish Plans
Community Led Planning can cover anything which the community thinks is important and a Community Led Plan can form a good foundation for Neighbourhood Planning.
A community led (or Parish) Plan can cover anything the community feels is important to them, from extra litter bins, community notice boards and websites, to affordable housing and transport. It sets out a vision for the future based on local consultation, with actions for how this can be achieved.
There has been interest in producing Community Led Plans from parishes within the borough.
You can also find out more about community led planning from Action with Communities in Cumbria.