Better Business Fees

Our list of better business fees

Food Safety Product Fees

New Start Up Health Check £180 inc. VAT
Gain or Retain 5 £180 inc. VAT
Bespoke Advice (per hour) £50 inc. VAT
Charging for Rescores of Food £145 per
Hygiene Ratings inspection/revisit
Food Safety Pack and Diary £15 VAT exempt
12 month supply of diary refills £10 VAT exempt

Licensing Direct Fees

Pre-application or Application Advice

(up to an 1 hours advice)
£36 inc. VAT
Pre-application advice and visit

(up to 3 hours)
£105 inc. VAT
Check and Send

(Full variation/Grant/Club Premises/Provisional Statement)
£72 inc. VAT
Check and Send

(Minor Variations)
£72 inc. VAT
Check and Send

(Personal Licences/Temporary Events/Transfers/Change of DPS/Interim Authority)
£36 inc. VAT