Local Air Quality Management
In 1995 the Government published its strategic policy framework for air quality management that culminated in the Environment Act 1995. As a requirement of the Environment Act the Secretary of State published the first National Air Quality Strategy in 1997 which established a framework for securing improvements in air quality in the UK.
In April 2016, DEFRA published their Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) Technical Guidance (TG16) and the LAQM system across the UK has changed. England and Scotland have adopted a new streamlined approach which places greater emphasis on action planning to bring forward improvements in air quality and to include local measures as part of EU reporting requirements. It also sees the introduction of an air quality Annual Status Report (ASR) for England to reduce the burden of the cycle of Updating and Screening Assessments, Progress Reports, Detailed Assessments, Further Assessments and Action Plan Progress Reports.
This Authority will continue to appraise air quality, with the main emphasis on those pollutants shown to be challenging in respect of compliance (See Table below) – Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Particulate Matter (PM10) and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), whilst also placing an increased emphasis in reducing levels of PM2.5.
The national air quality objectives are shown in the table below.
Pollutant | Concentration | Measured as |
Benzene | 16.25 mg/m3 | Running Annual Mean |
| 5.00 mg/m3 | Annual Mean |
1,3 Butadiene | 2.25 mg/m3 | Running Annual Mean |
Carbon Monoxide | 10.0 mg/m3 | Maximum Daily 8 hour Mean |
Lead | 0.5 mg/m3 | Annual Mean |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 200 mg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year | 1 Hour Mean |
| 40 mg/m3 | Annual Mean |
Particles (PM10) | 50 mg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year | 24 Hour Mean |
| 40 mg/m3 | Annual Mean |
Particles (PM2.5) | Work towards reducing emissions / concentrations. 10µg/m3 | Annual Mean |
Sulphur Dioxide | 350 mg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 24 times a year | 1 Hour Mean |
| 125 mg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 3 times a year | 24 Hour Mean |
| 266 mg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year | 15 Minute Mean |
All Local Authorities have a legal duty to periodically review and assess the current and likely future air quality in their area against these air quality standards and objectives. The purpose of the assessment process is to identify areas within the Local Authority where the above air quality objectives are likely to be achieved.
Since Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council began it’s assessment of air quality, although a detailed assessment has been undertaken, it has been found that it is likely that the above objectives will be achieved, therefore it has not been necessary to declare any air quality management areas and prepare the associated action plans.
Previous reports produced by the Environmental Protection Section as part of the on-going review and assessment of air quality in the Borough can be found below in pdf format.
- Annual Status Report 2022
- Annual Status Report 2021
- Annual Status Report 2020
- Annual Status Report 2019.
- Annual Status Report 2018.
- Annual Status Report 2017.
- Annual Status Report 2016.
- Updating and Screening Assessment 2015.
The Annual Status Report is submitted to DEFRA on or before the 30th June and will be made available to the public upon validation by DEFRA.
Any comments or questions about the above reports should be addressed to:-
Environmental Protection Section,
Environmental Health Department,
Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council,
Town Hall, Duke Street,
Cumbria LA14 2LD.