Drainage advice
Drains are pipes which carry waste from a single property. These become lateral drains when they extend beyond the individual property boundary. Sewers are pipes which carry waste from more than one property.
The property owner is responsible for the drain that serves their property until it crosses the boundary of their property.
Should you encounter any problems with the main public sewer or drains, then in the first instance you should contact United Utilities on 0345 672 3723 as they are responsible for lateral drains and sewers.
Highways Gulleys
These are designed to take the surface water from roads and backstreets. They are not designed to take foul water. Any problems relating to these drains i.e. that they are blocked, overflowing or giving off odours, should be reported to the Highways Hotline on 0300 303 2992.
Council Houses
The sewers and drains which serve a Council House are under the control of the Borough Council and any problems relating to these properties should be referred to your local housing office for further advice.
Properties connected to a Cesspit, Septic Tank, or a Private Sewage Treatment Plant
These are private drainage systems and as such the responsibility for such systems fall entirely on the householders, and are not the responsibility of either United Utilities nor the Council. The maintenance of these systems and the emptying of them are entirely down to the householders. However it may be the case that one such system serves more than one property. Where this is the case, each householder is responsible for his or her own drains until the point where it connects into a common part of the system. Any works or maintenance that are required to these common parts are the joint responsibility of all householders served by the system.
Useful Contacts
- United Utilities 0345 672 3723
- Public Protection 01229 876543
- Council Housing Office 01229 876525