Environmental Permits

Environmental Permits. Some industrial installations have the potential to cause pollution. Since 1990 many of these installations have required a 'authorisation' from the Local Authority or the…

Environmental Permits.

Some industrial installations have the potential to cause pollution. Since 1990 many of these installations have required a 'authorisation' from the Local Authority or the Environment Agency to operate. Since 1999 these authorisations, issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, have been transferred to ‘permits’ under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999. This has been done to comply with the European Directive in Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control.

There are currently three types of installation classification. Part A1 installations are regulated by the Environment Agency while Part A2 and B installations are regulated by local authorities.

Barrow Borough Council is responsible for permitting and inspecting all Part A2 and B installations within the Borough. Part B installations (LAPPC) are required to control air pollution and include businesses such as vehicle re-sprayers, cement batchers and unloading of petrol into petrol stations. Part A2 installations (LAIPPC) require all environmental emissions and impacts to be considered, i.e. air pollution, water pollution, noise, land contamination, energy consumption, waste minimisation and environmental accident prevention.

The Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016 prescribe which industrial installations need to hold permits. An operator of a prescribed installations which does not hold a permit is committing an offence. Prior to commencing the operation of a prescribed installation, the operator must submit an application, with a fee, to the local authority. The local authority must then consult with statutory bodies for any comments on the application. A permit containing numerous operating conditions in accordance with government guidance must then be issued or refused within a set time period. The operator of the prescribed installation must comply with the conditions of the permit or the local authority may take enforcement action against them. Operators are subject to routine inspections to check compliance with conditions.

Barrow Borough Council maintains a Public Register of Permitted Installations (Part B and A2) within its area. The Environment Agency maintains the public register for all A1 installations, but a duplicate copy is available at Barrow Borough Council offices (see address below).

The Government issues guidance to help both local authorities and operators implement LAPPC and LAIPPC. This guidance and additional information can be found at www.gov.uk/defra and https://www.gov.uk/environmental-permit-check-if-you-need-one.

Application Forms and Fees

Below are Application Forms for Permitted Installations.

Part B Application Form - Most Installations

Part B Application Form - Dry Cleaners

Part B Application Form - Petrol Filling Station

Part B Application for Transfer

Part B Application for Transfer for a limited period

Part B Application to Surrender

A2 Application

A2 Application for Variation

A2 Application for Transfer

A2 Application to Surrender

Small Waste Incineration Plant - Application Form

Declaration of reduced operation

Fees & Charges

Local Authorities are also the exemption registration authorities for the following exempt waste operations:

  • T3 Treatment of waste metals and alloys by heating for the purposes of removing grease etc.
  • T7 Treatment of waste bricks, tiles and concrete by crushing, grinding or reducing in size.

Where the exempt waste operation is not waste mobile plant, the exemption registration authority is the local authority in whose area the operation is carried on.

Where either of these exempt waste operations is carried out by waste mobile plant the following provisions are made for exemption registration authority:

  • Where the operator of the mobile plant has its principal place of business in England and Wales, the exemption registration authority is the Local Authority in whose area the operator has its principal place of business.
  • Where the operator of the mobile plant has its principal place of business outside England and Wales, the exemption registration authority is the Local Authority in whose area the operation is first carried on.

Exemption Registration Form

Any enquires about applying for a Permit should be addressed to:-

Environmental Protection Section,

Public Protection Services,

Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council,

Town Hall,

Duke Street,


Cumbria LA14 2LD.

Telephone 01229 876543

Fax 01229-876411

Email: environment@barrowbc.gov.uk.