Food sampling

Barrow Borough Council's Food sampling policy Barrow Borough Council will participate in the following food sampling activities with the emphasis on sampling locally produced high risk foods:-…

Barrow Borough Council's Food sampling policy

Barrow Borough Council will participate in the following food sampling activities with the emphasis on sampling locally produced high risk foods:-

  • Food contamination and food poisoning incidents;
  • Shellfish classification;
  • Complaints;
  • Participation in the LACORS/HPA voluntary coordinated sampling programme;
  • Cumbria Food Liaison Group coordinated programme;
  • Participation in EU coordinated control programmes.
  • Food samples procured and handled in accordance with the Food Law Code of Practice and any subsequent amendments.
  • Food samples taken by officers authorised to carry out such work under Food Hygiene Legislation.

The leaflet below has been produced to explain why we take food samples, what organisms we are looking for and how to interpret results.

Food Sampling Information Leaflet

Further Information

For further information please contact the Commercial Services section

Commercial Services Team,

Public Protection

Barrow Town Hall,

Duke Street,



LA14 2LD.

Telephone: 01229 876543.
