Public Protection Services Fees & Charges

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Environmental Permits - Fees and Charges

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control| Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control| Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Mobile Plant Charges.

Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016, Permits (Statutory Charges):

LAPPC Charging Scheme 2019/2020 pdf

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control

NB - every subsistence charge in the table below includes the additional £103 charge to cover LA extra costs in dealing with reporting under the E-PRTR Regulation.

Type of Charge Local Authority Element 2019/2020
Application £3363
Additional fee for operating without a permit £1188
Annual Subsistence - LOW £1446
Annual Subsistence - MEDIUM £1610
Annual Subsistence - HIGH £2333
Late Payment fee (2) £52
Substantial Variation £202
Transfer £235
Partial Transfer £698
Surrender £698

KEY: Subsistence charges can be paid in four equal quarterly instalments paid on 1st April, 1st July, 1st October and 1st January. Where paid quarterly the total amount payable to the local authority will be increased by £36.

Newspaper advertisements

Newspaper adverts may be required under EPR at the discretion of the LA as part of the consultation process when considering an application (see Chapter 9 of the General Guidance Manual). This will be undertaken and paid for by the LA and the charging scheme contains a provision for the LA to recoup its costs.

(2) applies when an invoice remains unpaid 8 weeks from the date the invoice was issued.

Environmental Agency Subsistence Fees for Discharge to Controlled Water 2015/2016

Charge Band Charge Applicability
A £2270 Where permit conditions contain numerical water discharge limits other than for the pollutants or parameters listed in bands B and C
B £ 760 Where permit conditions contain numerical water discharge limits for BOD, COD (1) or ammonia
C £ 222 Where permit conditions contain numerical limits for water flow, volume, suspended solids, pH, temperature, or oil or grease
D £ 66 Where conditions are included in a permit which do not fall within any of the descriptions in bands A-C (e.g. descriptive conditions)

There is no extra fee payable to the Environment Agency where quarterly payments are made.

For further information: Discharges to surface water and groundwater: environmental permits

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control

Application Fees - Annual Subsistence Charge

Type of Process 2019/2020
Standard Process £1650.00
Additional fee for operating without a permit £1188.00
Reduced fee activities (except Vehicle refinishers) £155.00
PVR I & II combined £257.00
Vehicle refinishers (VRs) £362.00
Reduced fee activities: Additional fee for operating without a permit £99.00
Mobile plant ** (e.g. screening and crushing/cement batching etc.) £1650.00
Mobile Screening and Crushing Plant - for the 3rd to 7th applications £985.00
Mobile screening and Crushing Plant - for the 8th and subsequent applications £498.00

Where an application for any of the above is for a combined Part B and waste application, ADD an extra £310 to the above amounts

** Not using Simplified Permit

Type of Process 2019/2020
Standard Process LOW £772.00 (+103)*
Standard Process MEDIUM £1161.00(+156)*
Standard Process HIGH £1747.00(+207)*
Reduced fee activities Low/Med/High (PVR I & DRY CLEANERS) £79/£158/£237
PVR I & II combined £113/£226/£341
Vehicle refinishers Low/Med/High £228/£365/£548
Mobile Screening and Crushing Plant - for 1st and 2nd permits Low/Med/High ** £646/£1034/£1506
Mobile Screening and Crushing Plant - for the 3rd to 7th authorisations Low/Med/High ** £385/£617/£924
Mobile Screening and Crushing Plant - for the 8th and subsequent authorisations Low/Med/High ** £198/£316/£473
Late Payment fee(1) (New) £52

Where a Part B installation is subject to reporting under the E-PRTR Regulations, ADD an extra £103 to the above amounts

* the additional amounts in brackets must be charged where a permit is for a combined Part B and waste installation

** Not using Simplified Permits

(1) applies when an invoice remains unpaid 8 weeks from the date the invoice was issued.

Reduced fee activities are: Service Stations, Vehicle Refinishers, Dry Cleaners.

Transfer and Surrender

Type of Process 2019/2020
Standard Process Transfer £169.00
Standard Process Partial Transfer £497.00
New operator at low risk reduced fee activity £78.00
Surrender: all Part B activities £0.00
Reduced fee activities: transfer £0.00
Reduced fee activities: partial transfer £47.00

Temporary transfer for mobile Plant

Type of Process 2019/2020
First Transfer £53.00
Repeat following enforcement or warning £53.00

Substantial Change

Type of Process 2019/2020
Standard Process £1050.00
Standard process where the substantial change results in a new PPC activity £1650.00
Reduced fee activities £102.00

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Mobile Plant (Not using simplified permits) Charges for 2019/2020

Number of Authorisations Application Fee 2019/2020 Subsistence Fee 2019/2020    
    Low Medium High
1 £1650.00 £646.00 £1034.00 £1506.00
2 £1650.00 £646.00 £1034.00 £1506.00
3 £998.00 £385.00 £617.00 £924.00
4 £998.00 £385.00 £617.00 £924.00
5 £998.00 £385.00 £617.00 £924.00
6 £998.00 £385.00 £617.00 £924.00
7 £998.00 £385.00 £617.00 £924.00
8 and over £498.00 £198.00 £316.00 £473.00

Port Health Water Sampling Fees

Click here for list of Water Sampling Fees

Ship Sanitation Inspection Fees 2024/25

Ships up to 1000 tonnes £ 135.00

Ships from 1001 to 3000 gross tonnage £185.00

Ships from 3,001 to 10,000 gross tonnage £270.00

Ships from 10,001 to 20,000 gross tonnage £355.00

Ships from 20,001 to 30,000 gross tonnage £450.00

Ships over 30,000 gross tonnage £520.00

Vessels with 50-1000 persons £520.00

Vessels with > 1000 persons £890.00

Extensions to SSC's will be charged at £105.00

Water samples (if required)

- As part of ship sanitation inspection £106.00 plus VAT

- On request of the Master of Agent £116.00 plus VAT

Extra charges, based on actual costs may be added for expenses incurred, such as *launch hire; *out-of-hours duty; travel and extended or re-inspections of ships due to ‘Control Measures’.

* subject to availability