Public Protection Services Contacts

Public Protection Services Responsibilities & Contacts Head of Public Protection: Graham Barker email: Commercial Services Team Commercial Services Team Leader:…

Public Protection Services Responsibilities & Contacts

Head of Public Protection: Graham Barker


Commercial Services Team

Commercial Services Team Leader: Ivor Churcher


Food safety responsibilities including food inspections, food safety and hygiene; sampling; inspections and enforcement in food premises to secure compliance with Food Safety Act and Food Hygiene Regulations; registration of premises; investigation of complaints.

Occupational health responsibilities including inspection and enforcement action to implement Health and Safety at Work etc. Act; Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act; Factories Act and supporting legislation.

Registering infectious disease notifications; investigation of food poisoning incidents including tracing; investigating and controlling contacts; disinfection and preventative measures.

Port Health responsibilities including boarding and inspection of vessels; infectious disease; rodent control; liaison role re: control of imported animals. Issue of deratization exemption certificates.

Licensing responsibilities including issue of licences (incorporating the Licensing Act 2003 & Gambling Act 2005) and inspections regarding:

  • Licensed Premises & Clubs and Personal Licences;
  • Hackney Carriage / Private Hire Taxis and Taxi drivers & Operators;
  • Pleasure Boats;
  • Amusement Arcades;
  • Cinemas and Theatres;
  • Street Trading;
  • Street Collection;
  • Sex Shops;
  • Scrap Metal Dealers.

Licensing responsibilities including issue of licences and inspections regarding:


  • Licensing and Registration of Animal Boarding;
  • Dog Breeding;
  • Pet Animal premises;
  • Zoos and Riding Establishments;
  • Registration of Skin Treatment premises and persons.

Environmental Protection & Public Health Team

Environmental Protection & Public Health Team Leader: Geoff Dowker


Integrated pollution responsibilities including inspections and enforcement duties under Environmental Protection Act 1990, Clean Air Acts and Control of Pollution Act.

Monitoring of atmospheric pollution and coastal waters pollution. Monitoring construction activities to minimise pollution caused by noise, dust and other nuisances.

Investigation of noise complaints, noise surveys and pest control investigation; advisory role of rats, mice and insect infestations. Investigation and enforcement re: conditions giving rise to prejudice to health or nuisance. Contaminated Land Management. Assessments of environment impact arising from planning proposals and licensing applications. Monitoring of private water supplies and swimming pools.

Responsible for the development and implementation of corporate projects which promote the Council’s strategic approach to Public Health and Wellbeing.

Pest Control


Householders who have a pest problem are therefore recommended to contact a private company. These can be found in Yellow Pages or on