Barrow Borough Council declared a climate emergency on 16th July 2019 and made a commitment to reduce carbon emissions.
We recognise the need to quickly decarbonise and increase the resilience of our communities to help minimise the impacts from unavoidable climate change. We are well placed to drive and influence emissions reductions in wider areas through the services we deliver, through our role as a social landlord, community leader and major employer, as well as through regulatory and strategic functions.

Climate Change Policy and Action Plan
Following the climate emergency declaration, a working group was established comprising cross party councillors and cross-departmental council officers to look at all areas of policy and delivery. The working group created a 5 year Climate Change Policy which was agreed at full council on 16th June 2020. That policy sets out the ambition for the Borough of Barrow in Furness to be net zero carbon no later than 2037. The full policy can be accessed here:
Barrow Borough Councils Climate Change Policy 2020-2025
Net zero by 2037
Barrow Borough Council's target is ambitious because reducing greenhouse gas emissions is vital, the Earth's temperature is rising faster than is natural. Any increase over 1.5° will have disastrous consequences worldwide, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable people. We have seen a 1° rise since the Industrial Revolution, the effects of which has been seen in increased extreme weather events such as floods and wildfires across the world. Based on how we live now, it has been predicted that there would be a rise of 3° by the end of the century.
To achieve net zero by 2037 we will:
- Reduce emissions from Barrow Borough Councils estate and operations;
- Reduce energy consumption and emissions from homes and businesses in the Borough;
- Reduce emissions from transport;
- Reduce consumption of resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste;
- Increase carbon capture to offset emissions;
- Increase public awareness around climate change.
How's it going...
Low Carbon Barrow
In order to start delivering the Climate Change Policy, work has started on a range of projects under the banner 'Low Carbon Barrow'. The Climate Change Working Group meets quarterly to ensure momentum is maintained to meet our aim of net zero by 2037. Projects covered include:
- 18 new electric vehicle chargepoints across council carparks;
- Grant scheme for community organisations and businesses to make low carbon upgrades;
- Electric fleet vehicles;
- Energy efficiency improvements to council buildings, including LED lighting at the Forum;
- BugOut - a demonstration vehicle to showcase low carbon technologies throughout the borough;
- Solar panels on council houses;
Citizens' Jury
As the future of our residents will be affected by climate change whether action is taken or not, we also wanted to bring the public along through a citizens' jury process. More information can be found here.
Contact Details
If you have a suggestion for how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, please get in touch using the details below.
Contact: Environmental Protection
Email: with the subject line 'Climate Change'
Telephone: 01229 876543