Policy & Performance

Policy and Performance, Plans and Reports from Barrow Borough Council. Viewing Council Reports: Performance Management Development Plan As a result of the Planning and…

Policy and Performance, Plans and Reports from Barrow Borough Council.

  • Viewing Council Reports:

    Development Plan

    As a result of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the national system for producing planning policy documents has changed and we are presently in a transitional phase between the old and the new systems.

    The old development plan system of County Structure and Borough Local Plans and Supplementary Planning Guidance has been replaced by a new system comprising a Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) and a Local Development Framework (LDF). The Local Development Framework is a portfolio of spatial planning documents prepared by the Local Planning Authority.

    Under the transitional arrangements, the old style Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Guidance and is saved for 3 years (or longer if the Secretary of State agrees), or until such time as it is replaced in whole or in part by the new LDF documents as they are produced. Each year the Council will publish a report - an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) setting out the progress of the LDF and indicating which policies and guidance continue to be saved.

    The Local Plan

    Delivery of Local Authority Benefits

    The effective and secure delivery of Local Authority Benefits is one of the means by which the Council aims to support delivery of the objectives set out in our

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