This page contains details of guidance and application forms in relation to the Licensing Act 2003. You can access guidance issued by the Licensing Authority and other responsible agencies and also download application forms to submit applications.
Before you download application forms we suggest that you read the guidance documents below.
- Personal Licence Guidance
- Premises Licence Guidance
- Club Premises Certificate Guidance
- Temporary Event Notice Guidance
Application Forms
- BA1 Temporary Event Notice
- BA3 Form of consent given by the person who holds the existing licence
- BA5 Notification of an interest in premises
- BA6 Application for premises licence
- BA7 Application for a provisional statement.
- BA8 Application to vary a premises licence.
- BA9 Application to vary a premises licence to specify an individual as designated premises supervisor.
- BA10 Application to transfer a premises licence
- BA11 Interim Authority Notice.
- BA12 Application for the review of a premises or club premises certificate.
- BA13 Declaration for a club premises certificate to be granted.
- BA14 Application for a club premises certificate.
- BA15 Application to vary a club premises certificate.
- BA16 Part A consent of individual to being specified as a premises supervisor and Part B consent of premises licence holder to transfer.
- BA17 Application for a personal licence
- BA18 Personal Licence Photo Endorsement Declaration Form
- BA19 Disclosure of convictions and declaration.
- BA20 Counter Notice - Permitted Temporary Activities
- BA23 Application for a minor variation to a premises licence or club premises certificate
- BA24 Application for Designated Premises Supervisor in respect of a premises licence to be dis-applied
- BA25 Application for the mandatory alcohol condition requiring a Designated Premises Supervisor in respect of a premises licence to be disapplied
- BA30 Personal Licence - Notification of Change in Name and/or Home Address
- BA31 Request to be removed as a Designated Premises Supervisor
Guidance issued by the Licensing Authority
- Licensing Policy
- Advertisements Guidance
- Fees Guidance
- Village Hall/ Community Centre Guidance
- Plans Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (27 kb)
- List of Responsible Authorities
- Operating Schedule Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (390 kb)
- Guidance and Representation Form for Interested Parties in a Microsoft Word Format (396kb)
- Role of Officer During Hearings Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (242 kb)
- Regulated Entertainment and Exemptions Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (29 kb)
- Template for Completion in Respect of a Newspaper Notice in a Microsoft Word Format (33 kb)
- Designated Premises Supervisor Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (388 kb)
- List of Offences under the Licensing Act 2003 in a Microsoft Word Format (422 kb)
- List of Offences (Personal Licences) Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (46kb)
- Sample Conditions for Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates in a Microsoft Word Format (601kb)
- Applying for a Review of a Premises Licence in a Microsoft Word Format (392kb)
- Guidance Notes for Premises Licence Holders in a Microsoft Word Format (391kb)
- Guidance and advertisement for Minor Variation to a Premises Licence in Microsoft Word Format (37kb).
- Making representation relating to a Premises Licence
Other Guidance
The Licensing Authority and other responsible agencies have produced additional guidance to assist you in completing and submitting applications. Please use the following links to access this information.
Guidance issued by other responsible agencies
- Managing work-related violence in licensed and retail premises - from the Health & Safety Executive.
- Health and Safety and Noise Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (57 kb)
- Cumbria Constabulary Guidance in a Microsoft Word Format (80.5 kb)
You can find information and guidance regarding gambling on licensed premises here.